Dickson City
Parents night: Dickson City Civic Center parents night out, Friday, 6:30-10:30 p.m., games, Wii, crafts and snacks, register by today, children must have an emergency form on file.
Craft fair: Factoryville Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary and Factoryville Library Christmas craft fair, Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Lackawanna Trail Elementary Center, College Avenue, cookie walk, more than 50 vendors, full lunch menu, hourly raffle, free parking and admission.
Storm relief: Hurricane relief benefit concert, Saturday, 8 p.m., CC Lounge, Honesdale, $10 cover charge, proceeds going to Red Cross to benefit victims of Superstorm Sandy.
Garbage collection: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, garbage collection will be Friday.
Zumbathon fundraiser: Toys For Tots Zumbathon fundraiser, Saturday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., St. John's Center, basket raffles, 50/50, vendors/crafters, face painting and Zumba, music by DJ Joe Rae, Marine Corps will be there with Santa and his elves, $5 and one new/unused toy, 10 and under free.
North Scranton
Santa visit: Santa and Mrs. Claus visit, Sunday, 12:30 p.m., Providence Square, gifts for children, local businesses providing snacks.
Old Forge
Halupki sale: St. Michael's Society halupki sale, Saturday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Church and Winter streets; $1/each; Sandra, 457-9280, Dorothy, 562-1434, or church hall, 457-2875.
Bake sale: Prince of Peace Parish, Grace Street, pre-Thanksgiving bake sale, Saturday and Sunday after evening and morning Mass.
Board meeting: School board meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m., LGI room, high school.
Riverside School District
Report cards: Riverside elementary schools report card distribution, Friday, parent-teacher conference scheduling forms in envelopes; conferences by appointment.
Free concert: Providence United Presbyterian Church free Tom Rogo concert, Sunday, 6 p.m., 1145 Providence Road, nonperishable food donation encouraged.
South Scranton
Seniors meet: South Scranton Friendly Seniors meeting, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., St. Paul of the Cross Parish Center, Prospect Avenue.
Bake sale: Bake sale, Sunday, noon-2 p.m., Taylor Community Center, to benefit "Taylor Splash Park Fund."
Art/craft festival: Fine art and fine craft festival, Friday, 5-8 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Triton banquet hall, donation only with children's art contest and live chain saw demo, $7.50/advance, foods, beverage, cupcakes, benefits Eatonville United Methodist Church, 836-2441 or tunkfinearts@ for info.
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