TAYLOR - The Riverside Board of Education is accepting résumés for a new director after Timothy Lavelle resigned Tuesday night.
Mr. Lavelle, who served on the board for five years, cited family and personal reasons.
"My family has suffered a personal loss in the last few weeks," Mr. Lavelle said as he addressed the board and members of the public. "Unfortunately, I will not be able to serve out my term on this board because of the fact my young family needs me."
Mr. Lavelle didn't elaborate on his resignation and left the meeting immediately after the board accepted it, hugging and shaking hands with administrators on his way out.
Board members said Mr. Lavelle's passion and dedication would be missed greatly, as well as his keen business sense. "He did some passionate work in a thankless job ... the school budget," said business manager Joe Surridge.
Board President Robert Bennie declined to elaborate on Mr. Lavelle's reasons for stepping down but said the district would be accepting applications to fill the vacant seat through 3 p.m. on Nov. 27. Interested applicants should drop résumés off at the superintendent's office during business hours. The board will appoint a new director at December's meeting, Mr. Bennie said.
Also at the meeting, the board honored student athletes, trainers and coaches, including the freshman football team, which recently claimed the league championship.
The board voted to appoint a number of coaches for 2012-13 season, including Justin Lacomis, assistant baseball coach; Robert Davis Jr., junior varsity baseball coach; Katie Fox, assistant softball coach; Steve Petrunich, junior varsity softball coach; Ken Bednash, assistant boys track coach; Molly McAuliffe, assistant girls track coach, all at a stipend of $2,562.26 each. Jeff Sadowski was appointed as the junior high basketball coach at a stipend of $3,638.47 and Tom Borthwick as the Newspaper Club adviser at a pro-rated stipend of $1,186.90.
Contact the writer: ksullivan@timesshamrock.com, @ksullivanTT on Twitter