Auxiliary meeting: Dalton Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary meeting, Thursday, 6:30 p.m., fire hall.
East Scranton
Meeting canceled: 800 Club of Immaculate Conception Church Thursday meeting canceled; next meeting, Nov. 15.
Coat sale: Honesdale Rotary's Winter Woolies collection of clean, usable winter coats and jackets under way through Nov. 10; bins at Apple Day Spa, Grace Episcopal Church, R3 Hardware, and Honesdale National Bank's Main Street branch; club meets Tuesdays, noon, Cordaro's Restaurant.
North Scranton
Rotary gathering: North Scranton Rotary Club happy hour club forming; meet and greet, Thursday, 5:30 p.m., informational meeting, 6; Sidel's, 1202 N. Main Ave.
Neighbors meet: North Scranton Neighborhood Association meeting, Friday, 7 p.m., Holy Rosary auditorium; finalizing tree decorating arrangements.
Hope gala: NAMI PA "An Evening of Hope" gala, Thursday, 6-9 p.m., Nichols Village Inn and Spa; Marie Onukiavage, 342-1047.
Training course: Emergency Medical Services of Northeastern Pennsylvania Inc., emergency medial technician course, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for 20 weeks beginning Tuesday, 7-10 p.m., Jefferson Twp. Ambulance; $345; 655-6818, 800-427-1911 or
Pierogi sale: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church fresh pierogi sale, Friday, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 505 Jefferson Ave., $7/dozen; 344-1522.
South Scranton
Seniors meet: Young Adults Club meeting Thursday, 7 p.m., St. Paul of the Cross Parish Center, 1215 Prospect Ave.
Chicken dinner: First United Methodist Church roast chicken dinner, Saturday, 4-7 p.m., 402 S. Main St.; takeouts available; $9; 357-8194.
Book signing: Arcadia, "Images of America Series: Taylor and Green Ridge," written by Margo L. Azzarelli, book signing, Nov. 3, noon-2 p.m., Taylor Community Library, South Main Street, Grannie Christmas handing out sweets to kids; 346-6179.
Tripp Park
Beef dinner: Tripp Park Neighborhood Association roast beef dinner, Sunday, noon-4 p.m., community center; takeouts available; for delivery to elderly, call 342-0342 by Thursday.
Art/craft festival: Eatonville United Methodist Church fine art and fine craft festival, Nov. 16, 5-8 p.m., $7.50/advance, food, beverage and cupcakes; and Nov. 17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., donation only with children's art contest and live chain saw demo; both Triton banquet hall; 836-2441 or tunkfinearts@
West Scranton
Pyrohy sale: St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church pyrohy sale, Friday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., 540 N. Main Ave.; 961-1795
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