1. Astronomy buffs gathered to watch ...
A. the Hale-Bopp Comet.
B. the Transit of Venus.
C. Uranus.
D. the planet formerly known as Pluto.
2. In the event of payless paydays, city firefighters, police and DPW would ...
A. continue to work.
B. picket in front of City Hall.
C. rearrange their schedules.
D. use rolling brownouts.
3. What upgrade was completed at the Lackawanna County Courthouse?
A. Indoor plumbing
B. Environmentally friendly lighting
C. Free Wi-Fi
D. Coffee stations
4. How long did it take to select 12 jurors and four alternates for the upcoming trial of former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky?
A. 16 years
B. Eight days
C. Less than an hour
D. Less than one week
5. What did special agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives search last week as part of an investigation that spanned three states?
A. Corner bars
B. Convenience stores
C. City Hall
D. A tobacco warehouse
6. A Pittston-area business, Benco, won a Department of Defense contract for what?
A. Dental supplies
B. Laser-guided bombs
C. Mortar shells
D. Quality tomatoes
7. Herndon Products will open a facility in Throop as part of a contract with the Tobyhanna Army Depot. Where is the company based?
A. Boring, Ore.
B. Crapo, Md.
C. O'Fallon, Mo.
D. Bird-in-Hand, Pa.
8. What are three men accused of stealing from a Scott Twp. business and reselling on eBay?
A. Baked goods
B. Plow parts
C. Vintage signs
D. Disc brakes
9. Only one of the city's pools will open because ...
A. equipment repairs to community pools were not completed in time.
B. there was a shortage of qualified lifeguards.
C. city council could not agree on the hours of operations at community pools.
D. city officials are trying to cut costs.
10. Scranton City Council approved an ordinance to pay a $1.03 million balance of a debt belonging to ...
A. Mayor Chris Doherty.
B. Scranton Fire Department.
C. Council President Janet Evans.
D. Scranton Parking Authority.
Answers: 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. D; 6. A; 7. C; 8. B; 9. D; 10. D