HARRISBURG - Supporters and opponents of a bill to overhaul the Act 111 collective bargaining process for paid police and firefighters differed sharply in assessing the bill's consequences Thursday during an initial legislative hearing.
The Senate Local Government Committee heard testimony from mayors, chamber of commerce officials, and public safety unions about a bill to directly link arbitration awards under Act 111 to a municipality's ability to pay for them.
The measure proposes a number of changes to Act 111, including starting the collective bargaining process earlier in the year and requiring the cost of arbitration be split equally between municipalities and public employee unions. It would continue the binding arbitration of arbitration panel pay awards, but add an additional layer of appeal if a panel doesn't justify an award based on a calculation of new costs.
The bill would determine these new costs based on the Consumer Price Index and base pay for a police officer or firefighter.
Art Martynuska, president of the Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association, said Act 111 doesn't need changing because it works well.
"Most negotiations settle without arbitration, and all settlements reflect the economy and the employer's fiscal condition," he added.
That view was contradicted by David Black, representing the Coalition for Sustainable Communities, which includes city officials and chambers.
"Arbitration decisions reached under Act 111 have no consideration to a municipality's ability to pay," Mr. Black said.
The bill, sponsored by retiring Sen. Jane Earll, R-49, Erie, figures in the larger debate over how to bring fiscally distressed municipalities like Scranton back to fiscal solvency.
Sen. John Blake, D-22, Archbald, the panel vice chairman, said he was struck by the stark contrasts in outlook from those testifying about the legislation.
In one exchange, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski said cities across Pennsylvania will fail unless fiscal remedies are provided to them. He gestured to Mr. Blake and added "You're from Scranton. You see it."
Yet, Les Neri, president of the Fraternal Order of Police predicted the number of arbitrations will jump from 10 to 20 a year to in the hundreds if the legislation becomes law.
"It (the bill) eliminates any incentive for employers to compromise," he added.
Mr. Martynuska said the bill will result in fewer safety protections because it caps new expenses at low amounts.
"If firefighters want to secure better diesel exhaust equipment or improved rescue tools, we will basically have to pay for them ourselves," he added.
Lock Haven Mayor Richard Vilello, president of the Pennsylvania Municipal League, touted bill provisions to open evidentiary hearings under Act 111 to the public.
"We believe an open evidence process will keep both parties focused on being reasonable and mindful of the taxpayers," he added.
Mr. Martynuska urged lawmakers to focus instead on changing Act 47, the state law governing fiscally distressed municipalities such as Scranton.
"Let's focus on revenue; let's focus on tax-exempts paying their fair share; let's focus on regionalization," he added.
Lancaster Mayor Richard Gray said a major problem is overreliance on property taxes when many city residents are poor or elderly.
With no more scheduled voting on bills for the rest of this legislative session, the Senate hearing set the stage for a new bill to be introduced sometime in the new session that starts in January.
Contact the writer: rswift@timesshamrock.com