State police launched the See Something, Send Something smartphone app in January, and although there aren't any statistics on the terrorism-tip app, police consider it a successful start.
State police spokesman Trooper Adam Reed said reviews and feedback have been positive and reported about 10 legitimate tips sent through the app.
"We've certainly got some useful tips from across the state," he said.
The app allows citizens to send reports of suspicious activity that could be terrorism-related.
Through the app, individuals can take a photo or write a note and send it directly to the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center.
The app is free for iPhone and Android users and includes help on what to look for when reporting suspicious activity, along with how to receive alerts.
Between 100 and 500 Android devices have downloaded the app, according to Google Play, an Android app store. The number of iPhone downloads was unavailable.
There have been numerous instances in which people used the app for nonterroristic activities, such as reporting drivers parked in disabled spaces or running red lights, Trooper Reed said. He said the app is not for use in emergency situations; if something needs immediate attention, he advised dialing 911.
Trooper Reed said even in smaller cities like Scranton, the app can be an important tool.
"We don't rule out activity like that anywhere," he said.
Trooper Connie Devens, spokeswoman for state police at Dunmore, said the more people are alert to their surroundings and what is going on around them, the better.
"The more eyes we have out there, if somebody sees something, it's ultimately going to help us in the long run," Trooper Devens said.
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