Jefferson fan becomes his wife for presentation
Gina Marie Aleo, 44, has always admired Thomas Jefferson.
For years, she considered giving a talk about the Founding Father's legacy and contributions to the nation, even considering dressing in time-appropriate garb.
"Since I'm not 6'2" I obviously can't play him," she said with a laugh.
Instead, she researched Jefferson and his family and on Sunday, she debuted an hourlong presentation on his life from the perspective of his wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson.
Dressed in a traditional 1700s-era formal gown at the Catlin House in Scranton, the historical interpreter lifted the details seen in textbooks and added anecdotes about their children and friendships, like Jefferson's close ties with John Adams.
Their relationship was strained when the two faced off for the presidency, but in their later years, both apologized through a series of letters, Ms. Aleo said.
The presentation also described Jefferson's relationship with his daughters Martha and Mary, the only of his six children with Mrs. Jefferson that survived.
A controversial relationship with Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello, was not brought up during the talk, but an audience member probed the topic afterward.
Ms. Aleo, still in character, said that the relationship took place 13 years after her death and she found no fault in his actions. It is alleged that Jefferson fathered at least one of Ms. Hemings' six children.
There was standing room only at the Catlin House, and local history buffs reveled in the unique view into the historical figure's life.
"We've seen a page out of a different chapter of history," Mary Rose Sulger said.
She and her husband, Ray, have been Civil War living historians for the last 10 years, so the couple enjoyed a glimpse at another time period.
The 40-year couple enjoyed hearing the extra details about the "well-liked" president's life.
"It was very educational," Mrs. Sulger said.
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