On this date in NEPA
75 years ago, local members of the Pennsylvania State Education Association refused to pass a resolution in support of a Scranton School District plan to seek a voluntary leave of absence for 20 married women teachers under which the district would save $800 per teacher.
50 years ago, Scranton investigated the theft of eight beef tenderloin steaks, valued at $8, from Mrs. Andrew Coyne's car while it was parked on Lackawanna Avenue.
25 years ago, Lackawanna County became the owners of the Philadelphia Phillies' top minor league franchise when the previous owner, Triple A Baseball Associates of Portland, Maine, finally accepted a $2 million payment for the team.
10 years ago, a professor at Penn State Worthington Scranton campus received a $50,000 grant to study adult day care in rural areas - a cooperative project with Keystone College and Marywood University.