Dickson City
Benefit dinner: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and LaSalle Academy primary campus homemade ethnic dinner, Jan. 12, noon-6:30, school cafeteria, Scott Road and Dundaff Street; takeouts available, pierogies, pigs in blanket, kielbasi; basket raffle, 50/50, music; $12/adults, $6/12 and under, benefits David Carter family; drop donations at parish office, 1090 Carmalt St., (489-2091) or the school, 625 Dundaff St.
Children's party: VFW Post 7963, American Legion Post 624, Eynon Fire Department and Ambrose Revels Post children's Christmas party, Saturday, noon-1:30, Santa arriving by firetruck around noon to Post 7963.
Garbage collection: Garbage collection one day behind for holiday weeks - collection dates, Dec. 28 and Jan. 4.
Old Forge
Garbage collection: Garbage pickup Wednesday and Jan. 2; recycling one day behind both holiday weeks.
Anglican festival: St. Thomas More Anglican Use Parish at St. Joseph's Church festival of nine lessons and carols - traditional Anglican Christmas celebration, Jan. 6, 5 p.m., North Main Avenue and Theodore Street; potluck supper and Three Kings celebration follow, free, bring bread, fruit or dessert to share, 343-0634.
January raffle: Blessed Sacrament Parish Altar & Rosary Society raffle, Jan. 20, 215 Rebecca St.; first prize, $500, second, Adirondack chair and chaise set, third, handmade quilt, fourth, handmade child's Adirondack chair and table, fifth, handmade afghan, sixth, handmade jewelry/gun box; tickets, $3, 2/$5, from society members or 489-0752 or 489-1963.
Valley View
Softball meeting: Valley View Softball Booster Club meeting, Jan. 2, 7 p.m., high school library, 1 Columbus Drive, Archbald.
CLIPBOARD ITEMS may be sent to yesdesk@timesshamrock.com; Clipboard, c/o YES!Desk at 149 Penn Ave., Scranton, 18503 PA; or 348-9121.