SCRANTON - The Friends of the Poor Christmas Program 2012 gets under way tonight with a holiday dinner at St. Mary's Center on Mifflin Avenue.
Doors open at 5; dinner is at 6. The event, for senior citizens and adults, will include musical entertainment by the Doug Smith Orchestra and a reenactment of the Christmas story by children from Valley View Terrace.
Lackawanna College's student union building, Vine Street and Jefferson Avenue, will provide the setting for the annual Toy Giveaway on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 18 and 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parents may select one toy per child. Proof of household income and identification for children is required.
The Holiday Food Distribution is Thursday, Dec. 20, at the student union building. The program is for families of children 12 years old and younger. On-site registration and proof of income or family need is required. For details, call the Friends of the Poor offices at 348-4429.