SCRANTON — Records provided by the city’s Department of Public Works director may explain more than $1,300 in diesel fuel charged to a single employee’s taxpayer-funded gas card on two days exactly one year apart.
At a Monday caucus, DPW Director Dennis Gallagher furnished city council with a pair of invoices for 7,500 gallons of diesel fuel delivered to the DPW on Jan. 22, 2018, and Jan. 22, 2019, respectively. Those are the same days DPW Foreman Pat McMullen’s gas card was used to buy more than $1,316 worth of diesel fuel, which Gallagher said was to fuel city garbage trucks.
The Times-Tribune discovered the diesel charges during a broader review of billing records that revealed errors, discrepancies and a lack of city oversight of gas card usage. The newspaper’s reporting prompted new written policy and provoked scrutiny by city council, which asked Gallagher to address questions at the caucus session.
Gallagher said the department didn’t immediately have access to the diesel on the days it was delivered. Unable to tap its own supply, the DPW used the gas card to fuel the garbage trucks, he said.
The director could not account for a $25.48 non-fuel purchase charged to McMullen’s card Jan. 22, 2018, and said he has no way to track which employees had access to McMullen’s personal identification number.
Gallagher maintains that, to the best of his knowledge, no DPW employee purchased personal gas with a taxpayer-funded card.
“I’m just taking people at their word,” Gallagher said, noting he didn’t independently analyze past gas card bills before signing off on them and sending them to the city controller’s office.
Gallagher also denied having a handshake agreement
with former Mayor Bill Courtright allowing him to use his gas card as he saw fit.
“I wouldn’t do that,” he said.
In a September statement to Mayor Wayne Evans, city Fire Chief Patrick DeSarno said he had an inferred agreement of that nature with Courtright’s administration. DeSarno acknowledged that was a “wrong-headed assumption” made without “malice or deceit,” and recently determined via a self-audit that he owes the city $559.19 for gas used for personal travel over the past 5½ years.
Council members thanked Gallagher for attending the caucus and said they appreciated his answers, though the city will pursue an outside audit of gas card use.
With a 3-1 vote, council introduced legislation Monday to award a contract for that audit to Moretti CPA of Old Forge, one of three firms that submitted proposals. Moretti’s proposal includes a $9,675 estimate for the audit.
Council President Pat Rogan voted no, arguing the audit should be conducted internally by the city controller’s office. Councilman Tim Perry was absent.
“I definitively feel better after speaking to (Gallagher), but I’m still anxious to review the results of the audit,” Councilwoman Mary Walsh Dempsey said.
City budget
Council also introduced an ordinance appropriating funds for Mayor Wayne Evans’ proposed 2020 city budget. Monday’s introduction constitutes the first of three votes needed to adopt the $116 million spending plan.
The budget Evans proposed Friday would drop Scranton’s annual $300 trash fee to $250 and collect it through property tax bills. Property taxes and underlying millages will remain the same next year, but officials believe levying the trash fee in the property tax bill will boost collection. Vacant buildings will not be charged the trash fee.
Property tax bills have a higher rate of collection, 90%, than the collection rate of prior garbage bills, about 65%, Evans said last week.
The new garbage fee would have to be authorized under separate legislation that the administration expects to present to council for enactment before the end of the year.
Acknowledging he had yet to thoroughly review the proposed budget, Councilman Bill Gaughan expressed concern Monday with apparent one-time revenue sources, salary hikes and other elements of the fiscal blueprint.
Councilman Kyle Donahue voted against introducing the budget ordinance, arguing council should wait until it receives the city’s most recent audit.
Council will hold a caucus on the proposed budget Dec. 4 at 5 p.m. at City Hall.
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@jhorvathTT on Twitter
In other business, council:
Advanced an ordinance updating the city’s list of historic properties by creating a local downtown historic district. If approved, the ordinance would expand the list of historic properties to include all buildings located within the city’s central business district. It would also amend the process for the legislative review of recommendations made by the city’s historical architecture review board. Council President Pat Rogan voted no, reiterating concerns the legislation would require owners of any downtown property to go before the review board if they want to improve or alter their buildings.
Advanced an ordinance regulating city clubs that allow patrons to carry in and consume their own alcohol, often allowing the businesses to avoid the state’s 2 a.m. closing time for typical bars. Among other restrictions, the legislation would bar these clubs from operating between 2-8 a.m. and prohibit anyone under 21 from entering without a parent or legal guardian. It would also prohibit the clubs from conducting business without displaying hours of operation and a valid city occupancy permit.
Approved legislation to use about $127,000 in unspent federal funding to build a two-unit rental house or to acquire and rehabilitate two vacant houses in the city for low-income housing. The money was awarded through the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. Council tabled the legislation last month.
Approved legislation to contract with Allentown-based Barry Isett & Associates to review the city’s embattled Licensing, Inspections and Permits Department for efficiency and best practices. Council announced the term of the contract changed from two years to one before approving the legislation with a 3-1 vote. Donahue voted no, arguing that some form of a LIP review should happen but the city should leave its options open for the time being. The review should cost around $91,000, Councilman Bill Gaughan said.