Tuesday and Wednesday: Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, 10-hour OSHA training classes in Construction Safety and Health/29CFR1926 Standard, 10-hour class, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the chamber, 20 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Courses are instructed by Joseph A. Thomas, ASC, CPOSH, AOT (RMEC-002096) of J. Thomas Safety First LLC. Upon completion, attendees will receive their OSHA certification card. Cost is $180 for chamber members and $230 for nonmembers. To register, contact Leann Fallabel at 455-1509 or lfallabel@hazletonchamber.org.
Wednesday: Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce networking mixer for members, employees, co-workers and guests, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Mountain City Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 401-403 Hazle Twp. Blvd. in Hazle Twp. Reservations required. Contact 455-1509 or jferry@hazletonchamber.org or by registering online at hazletonchamber.org.
Nov. 19: Friday Facilitator Forum: Dealing Effectively with Difficult Team Members webinar, from Penn State Extension Pocono District, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Instructor is Dr. Lisa Holden, associate professor, Penn State Department of Animal Science. Registration is free, but is required no later than noon the day before the session. To access the webinar, visit extension.psu.edu/animals/dairy/hr/educational-programs/facilitator.
Nov. 19, 20 and 21: Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, 30-hour OSHA training classes in Construction Safety and Health/29CFR1926 Standard, 10-hour class, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the chamber, 20 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Courses are instructed by Joseph A. Thomas, ASC, CPOSH, AOT (RMEC-002096) of J. Thomas Safety First LLC. Upon completion attendees will receive their OSHA certification card. Cost is $405 for chamber members and $455 for nonmembers. To register, contact Leann Fallabel at 455-1509 or lfallabel@hazletonchamber.org.
Nov. 20: Financing a New Business and Entrepreneurial Support panel discussion, 6 to 8 p.m., at the ESU Innovation Center, 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg. William Lewis, vice president, commercial lending, ESSA Bank & Trust, will discuss financing programs and how to present your loan request. Free to the public. Seating is limited. For reservations, contact Carter McClure at 422-7953 or cmcclure2@esu.edu.
Nov. 30: "Success Through Continuous Improvement Initiatives," presented by NEPIRC's Consortium for Process Excellence and Innovation and member company Weiler Corp., from 8 to 11:30 a.m., at Weiler Corp.'s facility in Cresco. Event is open to consortium member companies and companies interested in joining the consortium. No cost to register. For details, nepirc.com/events, 819-8966 or Maureen@nepirc.com.
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