Blood donations slip
SCRANTON - Superstorm Sandy has put a clamp on blood donations.
The American Red Cross in Northeast Pennsylvania was forced to cancel 86 blood drives because of the storm.
The cancellations resulted in the loss of 2,824 units of blood, said Carmon Flynn, regional executive director.
A unit is equal to nearly a pint of blood.
In light of the storm, the Red Cross has had to rearrange it operations locally and nationally.
Places where blood drives were normally held became temporary shelters and Red Cross workers usually assigned to blood collection changed their focus to disaster relief, Mr. Carmon said.
In the meantime, would-be blood donors are encouraged to go to the Scranton Blood Donation Center on 3 West Olive Street in the city.
Overall, Sandy has caused blood drive cancellations across 14 states, resulting in a shortfall of more than 10,700 blood and platelet donations.
The organization has, however, shifted its blood supply to areas affected by the superstorm.