1. A movie that filmed some scenes in Scranton earlier this year, including a fiery explosion of an RV, will be submitted to ...
A. Sundance Film Festival.
B. Tribeca Film Festival.
C. South by Southwest.
D. All of the above.
2. Waverly Community House is about halfway to its goal in a capital campaign. How much is the goal?
A. $1 million.
B. $5 million.
C. $15 million.
D. $50 million.
3. Which court has Eric Matthew Frein petitioned in a bid to overturn the death sentence he’s facing?
A. Pike County Court of Common Pleas.
B. Pa. Supreme Court.
C. U.S. Supreme Court.
D. Third Circuit Court.
4. Who appeared at a Scranton council caucus to answer questions about taxpayer-funded gas cards?
A. Fire Chief Pat DeSarno.
B. Mayor Wayne Evans.
C. Police Chief Carl Graziano.
D. DPW Director Dennis
5. Rep. Kyle Mullins, D-112, Blakely, and Sen. John Blake, D-22, Archbald, introduced bills to address ...
A. bullying.
B. identity theft.
C. annual car inspections.
D. corruption.
6. State police in Blooming Grove arrested seven people Monday after they ...
A. broke into a McDonald’s in Bushkill.
B. raided a Poconos community association clubhouse and took a security officer hostage.
C. stole a school bus full of elementary schoolers.
D. staged a demonstration over police brutality.
7. Starting in 2020, the monthly parking rate in a city-affiliated garage downtown will increase by ...
A. $20.
B. $2.
C. $200.
D. $2,000.
8. True or false: Scranton School District’s proposed 2020 budget hikes taxes 3.4%.
A. True.
B. False.
9. Which religious figure is Commissioner Laureen Cummings pushing to add to a quote featured on Courthouse Square?
A. Buddha.
B. Brigham Young
C. Jesus Christ.
D. Bishop Joseph Martino.
10. Who flipped the switch to turn on the Holiday Light Show at Nay Aug Park?
A. Mayor-elect Paige Cognetti.
B. Ex-Mayor Bill Courtright.
C. Bob Bolus.
D. Mayor Wayne Evans.
Answers: 1. D; 2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. A; 6. B; 7. B; 8. A; 9. C; 10. D