Garbage collection: Garbage collection for the city of Carbondale will be suspended for Nov. 28, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. The Thursday route will be collected Nov. 29.
Cookie event: St. John’s Episcopal Church annual Cookies Galore event, Dec. 14, 9-11 a.m., Route 191 S. (next to Jack Williams Tire), more than 50 varieties of homemade cookies, $8/small container or $15/large container (containers provided; Welsh cookies, $6/dozen, pre-orders only by Dec. 9; Sandy Toy, 570-689-2441, by Dec. 9.
Lackawanna County
Santa trolley: Electric City Trolley Museum is opening the Santa on the Trolley excursions with Elf on a Shelf on five trolley excursions along with sing-a-longs and storytelling on Nov. 30, 300 Cliff St., Scranton, trolley excursion times are 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m., and 12:30 and 1:30 p.m., museum activites include arts and crafts, balloon art and face painting 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., regular rates apply, reservations are encouraged to assure the ride time preferred.
Free lunch: Free community lunch at the Red Door Cafe at Peckville United Methodist Church, Saturday, noon, 732 Main St.
Hoagie sale: Hoagie sale for missions, Dec. 7, 9-10 a.m., Peckville United Methodist Church, 732 Main St., $5 each; Bonny, 570-489-6093, or Paul, 570-489-8042 by Nov. 30.
West Scranton
Cookie sale: SS. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church 10th annual cookie sale, Dec. 15 and 22, noon-2 p.m., 1720 Academy St., $8/pound, pre-packaged, come early for best selection; rectory, 570-343-8128, or center, 570-961-3147 (days of sale); special orders, 570-842-6476;
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