Ending bullying will take education, advocacy and deterrents, local legislators said Tuesday.
The lawmakers announced a bipartisan effort to define bullying in the state crimes code, which could then lead to upgraded offenses and steeper penalties — and hopefully, fewer bullies.
“To the victims of bullying, we hear you, we stand with you,” said Rep. Kyle Mullins, D-112, Blakely, who is leading efforts in the House. “To the bullies, enough is enough.”
Sen. John Blake, D-22, Archbald, who introduced a bill in the Senate, said the lawmakers met with anti-bullying advocates and prosecutors to look for solutions.
The Pennsylvania Crimes Code does not define bullying, which leaves authorities no option other than to categorize the behavior under four different offenses: disorderly conduct, harassment, simple assault or terroristic threats.
Under the companion bills in the House and Senate, the crime of chronic bullying would be clearly defined as “the intent to place an individual or group in fear of personal injury or property damage; or the intent to harass, annoy, or alarm an individual or group.” It also would provide for offenses to be upgraded to one degree higher than if bullying had not been a factor.
“Our law and crime code are antiquated,” said Lackawanna County District Attorney Mark Powell, who attended Tuesday’s announcement in Harrisburg. “Bullying has been around... forever. But, with cellphones and social media, it’s been taken to a whole new level.”
The bills still must make it out of committees and face votes from the House and Senate before needing a signature from the governor. Bullying sometimes drives people to suicide, and educators, law enforcement and legislators must work together, they said.
“This is a critical and fundamental first step in deterrence,” Mullins said of his bill.
Contact the writer: shofius@timesshamrock.com; 570-348-9133; @hofiushallTT on Twitter