SCRANTON — Shawn Christy became a “one man crime wave” who stole several vehicles and broke into homes and businesses to avoid capture on charges he threatened President Donald Trump and others, a federal prosecutor said in opening statement today.
Christy’s “odyssey” of crime began on May 30, 2018, when he failed to show for trial on assault charges in Schulykill County, Assistant U.S. Attorney Francis Sempa said. Over the next three months, he travelled from Pennsylvania, to New York, Kentucky and Maryland as he eluded a massive manhunt. He was captured in Ohio on Sept. 21, 2018.
Sempa said evidence against Christy will include surveillance videos of him stealing vehicles as well as notes Christy left at several places he broke into. Prosecutors also have recorded phone conversations from a prison in Ohio in which Chirsty “bragged” of his escapades to two admirer who came to visit, Sempa said.
Christy is representing himself against 11 charges filed in connection with his flight from prosecution after he allegedly posted online threats against Trump, Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli and other law enforcement officials.
In a five-minute opening statement, Christy said he intends to “question possible illegal acts” committed by law enforcement. He said he does not know if he will call any witnesses, but will show the government destroyed or lost evidence and will question the credibility of witnesses.
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Contact the writer:; 570-348-9137; @tmbeseckerTT on Twitter.