Nov. 12, 1929
Diphtheria campaign begins
Scranton Public Health Department officials announced that once again they would conduct a diphtheria prevention campaign in the city.
Dr. Robert Schultz, city public health director, said “diphtheria is a greatly dreaded disease, especially in children.”
Schultz said those wanting to be protected from the disease would need to attend one of the clinics the office had set up in the city to receive three injections of the antitoxin over a period of three weeks. The clinics were located at Scranton State Hospital, West Side Hospital, the South Side Police Station and at three of the city’s elementary schools.
Father, son unhurt in crash
H. Russell Worthington and his son, Harvey, both of West Chester, escaped injury in a traffic wreck Nov. 11 on Northern Boulevard.
According to police, the Worthingtons’ car was forced from the road by a large Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. truck. Their vehicle went over an embankment and came to rest in the creek that runs alongside the road.
Police later found the driver of the truck and cited him for reckless driving.
Shopping at the Globe
Women’s dresses for around the home, $1.98; women’s winter coats, $79.50; wool blankets, $6.73; lambswool blankets, $10.29; leather handbags, $2.95; six-button slip-on gloves, $2.45; lampshades, $1.
BRIAN FULTON, library manager, oversees The Times-Tribune’s expansive digital and paper archives and is an authority on local history.
Contact Brian at
or 570-348-9140.