Dunmore budget includes tax hike
DUNMORE - The school district's preliminary 2013-14 budget will remain the same when the school board finalizes the spending plan Wednesday, the district's business manager said at Monday's work session.
Antoinette Lopatka told school directors the 2.2 percent tax increase and $18,453,218 spending level they unanimously approved May 15 will be the same in the final version of the budget scheduled for approval Wednesday.
School officials have said the budget will raise the millage rate from 98.2879 to 100.45. A mill is a $1 tax for every $1,000 in assessed property value.
The average home in the Dunmore school district is assessed at $12,457, meaning the average homeowner would pay $26.94 more per school year under the proposed budget.
Superintendent Richard McDonald has said no positions are eliminated in the budget.
Ms. Lopatka has said the spending plan fills a $1.17 million shortfall by tapping into the district's fund balance, which she estimated would be about $5.2 million at the end of the school year.
Contact the writer: kwind@timesshamrock.com, @kwindTT on Twitter