HARRISBURG - A key House committee approved a $28.3 billion spending bill developed by the GOP majority on a party-line vote Monday, casting the first votes of the 2013 state budget debate.
Lawmakers of both parties on the Appropriations Committee tussled over whether state aid for basic education is adequate under the GOP plan. This bill would provide $100 million above current levels for basic education.
Rep. Mike Carroll, D-118, Hughestown, a panel member, said this amount would mean a 2 percent increase in state aid for school districts in Northeast Pennsylvania.
School districts are steadily drawing down balances in their operating funds and many haven't settled teacher contracts, he said.
"A 2 percent increase is simply not going to be enough," said Mr. Carroll.
Appropriations Chairman Bill Adolph, R-165, Springfield, said the bill is a starting point and reflects caucus priorities regarding education, public safety, health and jobs.
He raised an issue about school district staffing. While student enrollment in Pennsylvania public schools declined by 52,000 since 2003, school districts just started to realign their workforces to reflect the lower enrollment, said Mr. Adolph.
The committee vote sets the stage for a House floor vote on the budget bill next week. Democratic lawmakers plan to offer amendments dealing with the federal expansion of Medicaid and other issues.
The Senate Democratic minority jumped into the budget debate Monday, unveiling a line-by-line $28.4 billion budget proposal that would provide $212 million above current levels for basic education and include federal aid through Medicaid expansion.
The Democratic proposal, if adopted, would provide an additional $2 million in state aid for Scranton School District and $500,000 for Carbondale Area School District, said Sen. John Blake, D-22, Archbald.
The caucus proposal would create a "Community Opportunity Zone Program," state-designated zones where cities would use state and local tax revenue to issue local bonds to help underwrite downtown development projects, said Sen. Judy Schwank, D-11, Reading. These zones would be separate from the existing Keystone Opportunity Zones, where state and local tax breaks are offered to businesses that locate there.
Scranton would be a candidate for this program, said Mr. Blake.
Lawmakers face a June 30 deadline to enact a budget.
Contact the writer: rswift@timesshamrock.com