Abington Heights
Playwright festival: Abington Heights High School's New Playwright's Festival, Wednesday, 7 p.m., high school auditorium, $3.
Clarks Summit
Dinner theater: Clarks Summit United Methodist Church choirs dinner theater, "Land of the Lost and Found," Saturday, 5 p.m., church fellowship hall; salad, chicken cordon bleu, potato, vegetables and dessert and show, $10/advance, $15/at door; child dinners featuring chicken fingers, $5/advance, $10/at door; details and tickets: 587-2571.
Card party: Women of Elmhurst Country Club card party, Friday, noon; card game follows; $16, Barbara Whitfor, 842 8841, or Simone Gentile, 689-2833, by Wednesday.
Crime watch: Mayfield Crime Watch meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Borough Building, 739 Penn Ave., speaker: John Lewis, deputy director of emergency services for Lackawanna County.
Bus trip: Mid Valley Senior Center Mohegan Sun Casino bus trip, June 6, departs, 9:30 a.m., departs casino, 4 p.m.; $25, rebate: $20/play and $5/food credit, bag breakfast, checks payable to senior center by Wednesday.
The Wright Twp. Volunteer Fire Department bazaar, June 7-8, 5-11 p.m.; June 9, 3-10 p.m., St. Jude's picnic grounds, Route 309, Mountaintop; fireman's parade, June 7, 7 p.m.
Old Forge
Halupki sale: St. Michael's Church Society halupki sale, Saturday, noon-2 p.m., church hall, Church and Winter streets, $1/each; order by Wednesday, Sandra, 457-9280, Dorothy, 562-1434, or church hall, 457-2875.
Band concert: Crystal Band of Scranton spring concert, Friday, 7 p.m., Grace Reformed Episcopal Church, 104 Laurel Drive.
Wing fundraiser: Immanuel Lutheran Church selling mild Donkey Cafe wings, Saturday, 3-5 p.m., 238 Reese St., $8/order, benefits youth group; 342-3374, pastormandile@ or text order to 445-7148, by Wednesday, include phone number, time of pickup.
Parish festival: Blessed Sacrament Parish family festival, Aug. 16-18, parish grounds and hall, 215 Rebecca St.; 5k run/walk, pigs-in-the-blanket dinner Aug. 17; breakfast and bingo, Aug. 18; ethnic and traditional foods, Aug. 16-17.
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