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BONCZEK, GARY, Scranton, Tuesday, 11 a.m., Bomberger-Lesko Funeral Home Inc., 1660 N. Main Ave., Scranton. Contribu­tions: North­east Regional Cancer Institute.

BOROSKY, EDWARD T. "JIM," Simpson, today, Joseph W. Scotch­las Funeral Home Inc., 621 Main St., Simpson. Mass, 9:30 a.m., St. Michael's Church, 46 Midland St., Simpson, followed by military honors. Contri­butions: American Cancer Soci­ety, 712 S. Keyser Ave., Taylor, PA 18517. Condolences: scotch lasfuneralhome.com.

CALPIN, TIMOTHY P., Madera, Calif., Monday, Neil W. Regan Funeral Home Inc., 1900 Pittston Ave. Services, 9:30 a.m., by the Rev. Arthur Davis, pastor of Asbury United Methodist Church, Scranton. Interment Cathedral Cem­etery, Scranton. Calling hours, Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m. Con­tributions: The Molly Fund or the Sean Calpin Scholarship Fund c/o Scranton Area Foundation, 321 Spruce St., Suite 608, Scran­ton, PA 18503. Condo­len­ces: neilreganfuneralhome.com.

CONOVER, GARRETT (GARRY) JOHN, Factoryville, today, 11 a.m., Nicholson United Methodist Church, by Pastor John Shaffer. Donations: Nicholson United Meth­odist Church Memorial Fund or Factoryville Ambulance Asso­ciation. Arrangements: Charles H. Litwin Funeral Home, 91 State St., Nicholson. Condolences: lit winfuneralhome.com

HENN, MICHAEL J., San Diego, formerly of East Mountain, today, 10 a.m., Miller Bean Funeral Home Inc., 436 Cedar Ave., Scran­ton. Interment, Abington Hills Cemetery, South Abington Twp. Condolences: millerbeanfh.com.

JONES, JOHN HAWKINS JR., Moscow, today, 11 a.m., Brian Arthur Strauch Funeral Home, 3 First St., Spring Brook Twp., by the Rev. William Jones and the Rev. Jeff Levy, pastor of Moscow United Methodist Church. Inter­ment with military honors, Fair­view Memorial Park, Elmhurst. Visi­tation, today, 10 to service. Masonic services, today, 7. Con­tri­butions: Moscow Masonic Lodge 504, 211 Green St., Mos­cow, PA 18444; or American Lung Association, 1301 Pennsyl­vania Ave. NW, Suite 800, Wash­ington, DC 20004. Condolences: strauchfuneralhomes.com.

KLODNICKI, EDWARD C., Scran­ton, today, 9:15 a.m., Edward J. Chomko Funeral Home, 254-268 Railroad Ave., Scranton. Mass, 10, St. Francis of Assisi Church, South Scranton, by the Rev. Scott P. Sterowski, pastor, St. Paul of the Cross Parish. Mem­orials: St. Paul of the Cross Parish, 1217 Prospect Ave., Scran­ton, 18505; or favorite charity. Condolences: www.chom kofuneralhome.com

KOMORA, MICHAEL J., Chulu­ota, Fla., today, 10 a.m., Law­rence E. Young Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 418 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Interment, Cosner Cemetery, Newton Twp. Condolences: lawrenceeyoungfu neralhome.com

KRISIAK, FRANK, Cortez, Fri­day, Harrison Funeral Home, Arch­bald. Mass, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Archbald, by the Rev. Christopher Sahd and Deacon Edward Kelly. Pallbearers: Ron Sadaka, Jerry Bryk, Mark and David Swoyer. Interment, Kizer Cemetey, Cortez.

LAWRENCE, ALBERT J. SR., Dunmore, Monday, Carlucci-Golden-DeSantis Funeral Home Inc., 318 E. Drinker St., Dunmore. Mass, 9:30 a.m., St. Anthony of Padua Church, Smith Street, Dun­more. Interment Mount Carmel Cemetery, Dunmore. Calling hours, Sunday, 5 to 8 p.m. Contri­butions: American Heart Associ­ation, 613 Baltimore Drive, Suite 3, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, or to SS. Anthony and Rocco Parish, 303 Smith St., Dunmore, PA 18512. Condolences: Dunmore FuneralHome.com.

MALONE, SHAWN C., Scotland, formerly of West Wyoming, Both­well, Tuesday, 11 a.m., Metcalfe-Shaver-Kopcza Funeral Home Inc., 504 Wyoming Ave., Wyo­ming, by the Rev. James Thyren of the First United Presbyterian Church of West Pittston. Inter­ment, convenience of the family. Calling hours, Monday, 4 to 8 p.m. Contributions: St. Vincent De Paul Kitchen, 33 E. North­ampton St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701.

MEIXNER, ROBERT, Scranton, service, private. Calling hours, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., Thomas J. Hughes Funeral Home Inc., 1240 St. Ann's St., Scranton.

MILLER, MICHAEL JAY, Elm­hurst Twp., visitation, today, 2 to 4 p.m., Brian Arthur Strauch Fune­ral Homes & Cremation Ser­vices, 3 First St., in Spring Brook Twp. Interment, private. Condo­len­ces: strauchfuneralhomes.com.

NELSON, DOROTHY E., Jessup, Friday, Arthur A. Albini Funeral Home, Jessup. Mass, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Peckville, by Monsignor Peter P. Madus. Pallbearers: Jimmy, Leo, John, Ricky, Wayne and Richard Nelson, sons. Interment, Fairview Mem­orial Park, Elmhurst.

PAZZAGLIA, EUGENE "GINO," Peckville, Wednesday, Mass, Sac­red Heart of Jesus Church, Peck­ville, by Monsignor Peter P. Madus. Pallbearers: Ernie and A. J. Sebastianelli; Robert Snod­grass, Chas Dennis, Glenn and Thomas Pazzaglia; Nicco Granci and Robert Jude Stroney. Interment with military rites, St. Mary's Cemetery, Montdale.

PELSYNSKI, STELLA C., Dur­yea, Monday, 10:30 a.m., Ber­nard J. Piontek Funeral Home Inc., 204 Main St., Duryea. Mass, 11, Holy Rosary Church, Duryea, by the Rev. Andrew Sinnott. Interment, Holy Rosary Cemetery, Duryea. Calling hours, Monday, 9:30 to 10:30, funeral home. Condolences: piontekfu neralhome.com.

PORONSKY, CATHERINE, Arch­bald, Monday, Mass, 9:30 a.m., St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Interment Hollywood Memorial Park, Union, N.J. Calling hours, Sunday, 3 to 6 p.m., Louis J. Rapoch Funeral Home, 420 Church St., Archbald. Contribu­tions: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, 967 Griffin Pond Road, Clarks Summit, PA 18411. Condolen­ces: RapochFuneralHome.com.

PUTIRSKAS, LOIS C., Scranton, today, Mass, 10 a.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 801 Taylor Ave., Scranton. Calling hours, 9:30 to service. Arrangements: Carlucci-Golden-DeSantis Funeral Home Inc., Dunmore. Condolen­ces: DunmoreFuneralHome.com.

RAFALKO, EDWARD JOHN, Bridgewater, N.J., Mass, today, 11 a.m., Divine Mercy Parish, 312 Davis St., Scranton. Inter­ment, St. Mary of Czestochowa Cemetery, 3335 Greenwood Ave., Moosic. Visitation, today, 10 to 11, church. Arrangements: Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home, 147 Main St., Flemington, N.J. Con­dolences: holcombefisher.com. Contributions: Community Visiting Nurses Association, 110 West End Ave., Somerville, NJ 08876.

RESIO, GILIA RIGNANESI, Old Forge, today, 9:30 a.m., Victor M. Ferri Funeral Home, 522 Fallon St., Old Forge. Mass, 10, St. Mary of the Assumption Church, West Grace and Lawrence streets, Old Forge. Interment, Old Forge Cemetery. Contribu­tions: Prince of Peace Parish, 123 W. Grace St., Old Forge, PA 18518. Condolences: ferrifuner alhome.com.

ROGALA, GLORIA, Throop, Mass, today, 9:30 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Parish at St. Anthony's Church, Rebecca Street, Throop, by Monsignor Michael J. Delaney, pastor. Interment, parish cemetery, Dickson City. Arrangements: John J. Turko & Sons Funeral Home, Dickson City.

SOLTIS, HELEN M. MACHALE, Scranton, today, 8:45 a.m., Sem­ian Funeral Home, 704 Union St., Taylor. Mass, 9:30, St. Ann's Basilica, Scranton. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton. No flowers. Condolences: semi ancares.com

SOPHABMIXAY, THAMPHALY, Old Forge, Buddhist ritual ceremony, today, 1:30 p.m., Semian Funeral Home, 704 Union St., Tay­lor. Condolences: semian cares.com.

SPADINE, AUDREY MAY HAR­MAN, West Nicholson, Monday, 11 a.m., West Nicholson United Methodist Church, by Pastor Margaret M. McCarty. Interment, Nicholson Cemetery. Calling hours, Sunday, 5 to 8 p.m., Charles H. Litwin Funeral Home, 91 State St., Nicholson. Contri­butions: West Nicholson United Methodist Church. Condolences: litwinfuneralhome.com.

STROKA, ANN MARIE WIER­NUSZ, Sugar Hollow, Tunkhan­nock, Mass, today, 11 a.m., Church of the Nativity B.V.M., Tunkhannock, by the Rev. Richard Polmounter. Interment, Pieta Cem­etery, Tunkhannock. Arrange­ments: Sheldon-Kukuchka Fune­ral Home, Tunkhannock. Contribu­tions: Church of the Nativity B.V.M., 99 E. Tioga St., Tunkhan­nock, PA 18657; the Alzheimer's Association, 57 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701; or the Wyoming County Heart Associa­tion, Route 6, Tunkhannock, PA 18657. Condolences: sheldon kukuchkafuneralhome.com.

TELIPSKI, EDWARD "BENNY," Greenwood section of Moosic and Lake Wallenpapauck Estates, Monday, 10 a.m., Semian Funeral Home, 704 Union St., Taylor. Mass, 10:30, Divine Mercy Par­ish, 312 Davis St., by the Rev. Francis Pauselli, pastor. Interment with military honors, St. Mary Czestochowa Cemetery, Moosic. Calling hours, Sunday, 5 to 7 p.m. Condolences: semiancares.com.

UNGER, MARY JANE, Olyphant, today, 10 a.m., Dunmore United Methodist Church basement by the Rev. Drew Cottle. Contribu­tions: Dunmore United Methodist Church, 222 S. Blakely St., Dun­more, PA 18512. Condolences: hudak-osheafuneralhome.com.

WADMAN, MYRLE E., Carbon­dale, private. Cremation, Maple Hill Crematory, Archbald. Arrange­ments: Battenberg Funeral Home, Jermyn.

WILLIAMS, BARBARA A., Peck­ville, today, 10 a.m., Robert E. Decker Funeral Home, 702 River St., Peckville, by Pastor Terry Drost of the Peckville Assembly of God. Interment, Union Ceme­tery, Peckville.

ZWANCH, ANNA, Carbondale, today, Joseph W. Scotchlas Fune­ral Home Inc., 621 Main St., Simpson. Divine Liturgy, 11:30 a.m., SS. Peter & Paul G.C. Church, Rittenhouse Street, Simp­son, by the Rev. Myron Myronyuk. Interment, SS. Peter & Paul Cemetery, Simpson. Calling hours, today, 10 to 11 a.m. Con­tri­butions: SS. Peter & Paul Greek Catholic Church, PO Box 124, Carbondale, PA 18407. Con­dolences: scotchlasfuneral home.com.

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