OLYPHANT - Borough mayors must now provide a quarterly report on money they earn performing marriage ceremonies.
This and other recent changes in the state borough code were addressed at a Lackawanna County Association of Boroughs meeting Thursday. Ed Knittel, senior director of education and sustainability for the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, presented the updates to the group at the Regal Room in Olyphant.
A mayor may now keep up to $150 in fees for officiating a wedding and must report their earnings to council.
Previously, the fee was turned over to the borough, Mayfield Mayor Al Chelik explained.
"The ability to collect money is something we've been fighting for for a long time," he said.
Other notable updates include:
n Prohibiting police officers and nonvolunteer firefighters from working and holding an elected office in the same borough.
n Allowing council members to participate in meetings through a telecommunication device, such as a telephone or video, as long as a quorum is physically present.
n Increasing the limit, from $2,500 to $4,000, that a mayor may use annually to consult outside legal counsel.
n Requiring all elected officials present a notarized affidavit verifying residency.
Also at the meeting, Mr. Chelik presented an update on STOP, which stands for Scranton Taxing Our People. The group, which is made up of 29 communities that oppose the Scranton commuter tax, will open a checking account on Monday to hold contributions toward legal fees.
The group also moved to ask the PSAB to pursue legislation that eliminates "the ability of distressed communities to impose a tax on non-residents" and any other measure that would limit local government power.
"We have to get active as a county and start petitioning our state organizations," Mr. Chelik said.
Contact the writer: rbrown@timesshamrock.com, @rbrownTT on Twitter