Junior and senior high school students from West Scranton and Scranton collaborated on an art show displayed at First Friday this week, showcasing various styles, techniques and mediums for family, friends and art lovers Friday night.
Crowds of people browsing the displays, venues and shops downtown stopped in to wander through the gallery on the first floor of the Connell Building, admiring the work from students like Michael Delgado, who used words and images on canvas to address with his audience issues of ethnic identity, race and immigration.
"Seeing the reactions is really worthwhile. You get to see the discussion that starts with people in front of it," the 18-year-old Scranton High School senior said.
West Scranton art teacher Anne McNally said her students were asked to incorporate new technologies into their art by using industry standard software, like Photoshop, at various stages of their pieces. First Friday was a good venue for students to showcase their work, she said.
"I'm happy for them. They are thrilled with the exposure," she said.
Scranton art teacher Nancy Yamin, who partnered with Ms. McNally to make the show possible, said she always loves seeing her students' work available to the public.
"It's kind of a special exhibit for me because I'm retiring after 35 years of teaching art," Ms. Yamin said.
Contact the writer: ksullivan@timesshamrock.com, @ksullivanTT on Twitter