Reunion meeting: Carbondale Area, Fell and St. Rose classes of 1973 40th anniversary reunion planning meeting, Thursday, 7:15 p.m., Manhattan Manor, Salem Avenue.
Authority meeting: Duryea Borough Sewer Authority special meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m., Municipal Building, bid contract for sewer project to be awarded.
East Scranton
Club meets: 800 Club of Immaculate Conception Church meeting Thursday, 1:30 p.m., church, 800 Taylor Ave.; bingo and refreshments follow.
Class meeting: Exeter High School Class of 1963, meeting, April 30, 7 p.m., Avenue Diner, Wyoming.
Sportsmen meet: Factoryville Sportsmen's Club meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., clubhouse, tickets available for Henry rifle raffle in support of Fred Loch Memorial Scholarship fund, limited number of SuperGun tickets may still be available, see Bruce Weisenfluh.
Clothing days: St. John's Episcopal Church free clothing days, Wednesday and May 15 and June 12, 10 a.m.-noon and 5-7 p.m., Route 191 South, 689-9260
Prayer day: Harford Historical Society National Day of Prayer service, May 2, noon, Harford Volunteer Fire Company gazebo.
Square dance: Grace Episcopal Church Uphill String Band square dance, Saturday, 7 p.m., to check cancellation status: Donna Lee Gregor or Judy Trudgen, 253-3232.
Contra dance: Cooperage Project contra dance, Saturday, 7:30-10 p.m., 1030 Main St., or 253-2020.
Rummage/bake sale: Women of St. John's Lutheran Church spring rummage and bake sale, May 4, 9 a.m.-noon, bag sale, 12:30-2 p.m., Seventh and Church streets; clean, gently used, spring/summer, clothing, household items, games, jewelry, books miscellaneous items.
Ubaldo dinner: St. Ubaldo Cultural Society Fourth Friday Dinner, Friday, 5-9 p.m., Michael Steiner American Legion Post, 508 Church St., Jessup; red and white pizza, $10/tray; homemade tripe dinner, $10; takeouts, 766-1769 day of event.
Lackawanna County
Reading campaign: Lackawanna County Library System Read to Feed Campaign accepting nonperishable, nonglass, non-out-of-date canned food donations at libraries during April: details on Bread Basket's Fight Summer Hunger projects; 343-2324.
Bingo fundraiser: Leadership Lackawanna family fun basket bingo, Sunday, 1-4 p.m., Keyser Valley Community Center, Scranton, doors open, noon; prizes include games, toys, gift certificates, fitness and golf packages; themed baskets; $20 includes entry, 20 bingo games, food and door prize ticket; general admission (no bingo)/$5.
Lackawanna Trail School District
Ice cream: Lackawanna Trail field hockey ice cream social, May 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., high school cafeteria, $4/3 scoops including toppings.
Crime watch: Mayfield Crime Watch meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Borough Building, agenda: pizza sale report, planning.
Trunk show: Belle Reve Senior Living spring trunk show, Sunday, 1-3:30 p.m., clothing, candy and crafts from local vendors, light refreshments; Jaci or Kaitlyn, 409-9191.
Old Forge
Reunion meeting: Old Forge High class of 1973 reunion meeting, April 30, 7 p.m., Arcaro and Genell's; reunion in July.
Pike County
Fundraising auction: Safe Haven of Pike County Inc. Art of Kindness event, May 4, 6:30-9 p.m., Biondo Investment Advisors Building (The One), Routes 6 and 209, live auction artists and artisan talents and crafted pieces, light fare, $60; 296-2827.
Americanism award: Amos Lodge 136 of B'nai B'rith 61st annual Americanism Award dinner honoring Jane Oppenheim, May 19, 5 p.m., Jewish Community Center; $75, $675/table of 10; tickets and program information: Richard Bishop, 346-8414 or 905-0177; Ed Monsky, 343-1197.
Benefit drawing: Little Sisters of the Poor's exclusive weekend getaway for two raffle tickets, $100, May 1 drawing; 2013 U.S. Open at Merion Golf Club, Ardmore, in June, lodging, food, $150 gift card; Jackie Galvin, Holy Family Residence, 343-4065; or www.littlesistersofthe
Jewelry show: Geisinger-Mountain View Care Center jewelry show with Pat Valtos from Sophisticated Lady, Friday, noon-6 p.m., chapel, 2309 Stafford Ave., Scranton, proceeds benefit patient and staff programs.
Gospel music: Mount Bethel Baptist Church Skyline Boys Southern Gospel Music Ministry concert, Thursday, 7 p.m., 1341 Layton Road, Justus; free-will offering, coffee and dessert follow.
Chicken dinner: Throop Hose Company 2 spring chicken barbecue, May 11, noon-5 p.m., 206 Boulevard Ave.; takeouts available; tickets from members or 489-6431.
Tripp Park
Neighbors meet: Tripp Park Neighborhood Association meets Thursday, 7 p.m., Community Center.
Golf tournament: Waverly Community House 17th annual Comm Classic Golf Tournament, May 23, Skytop, captain and crew format, prizess, $2,500 putting competition, $10,000 hole-in-one prize, lunch, bar, seafood dinner buffet, silent auction, sponsorships available, 586-8191, ext. 2, or www.waver for sponsorship and registration information.
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