HARRISBURG - Running a red light or speeding would be far more costly if a transportation funding bill introduced last week by Republican senators becomes law.
Law-breaking motorists would fork over an additional $100 surcharge beyond the current fines and surcharges for traffic violations under the proposal. The measure by Senate Transportation Committee Chairman John Rafferty, R-44, Collegeville, relies partly on stiffer traffic fines to generate additional transportation revenue beyond what Gov. Tom Corbett has proposed.
To raise up to $2.5 billion annually, Mr. Rafferty, joined by other chairmen of the respective House and Senate transportation panels, proposed an enhanced three-way revenue stream garnered from higher fines, taxes and fees. Gov. Tom Corbett has proposed a $1.9 billion-a-year plan based on new revenue by lifting a cap on the state Oil Company Franchise tax. Gasoline wholesalers typically pass on the cost of the tax to motorists.
Mr. Rafferty proposes to lift the oil franchise cap but phase it in over three years instead of five years as the governor suggested. He adopted the governor's idea to ease the pain for motorists somewhat by reducing the 12-cents-a-gallon state gasoline tax to 10 cents a gallon over two years. The senator would also increase fees for driver's licenses and vehicle registrations but extend the renewal periods for both.
If adopted as is, the legislation would cost the average motorist about $2.50 a week by the third year, said Transportation Secretary Barry Schoch.
Under the bill, the additional revenue from the $100 surcharge, estimated at $75 million in the first year, would go to boost state aid to several dozen mass transit agencies in large and midsize cities.
The state currently levies four different surcharges in addition to basic fines,.
These are a $10 surcharge to fund emergency medical services, a $10 surcharge to fund the judiciary's computer operations, a $37 surcharge to cover court costs if no hearing is requested and a $45 surcharge if a hearing is requested, and a basic surcharge, ranging from $30 to $300 based on the specific violation, which supports the state General Fund.
These surcharges would remain in effect, a Rafferty aide said.
Rep. Jerry Knowles, R-124, Tamaqua, a member of the House Transportation Committee, said he would be hard-pressed to consider voting for higher transportation taxes, fines and fees. Mr. Knowles said consideration should be given first to his legislation to earmark potential revenue from the privatization of state-owned liquor stores for state road and bridge work.
The cost of running a stop sign would increase from $112 to $212 under Mr. Raffety's bill, he said.
Mr. Rafferty's bill will likely be revised as it moves through the two legislative chambers, but it's a welcome move, said Rep. Michael Carroll, D-118, Hughestown, a transportation panel member.
Contact the writer: rswift@timesshamrock.com