Church dinner: Clifford United Methodist Church chicken and biscuit or ham dinner, Wednesday, 4-6 p.m., Main Street, takeouts available, $7.95.
Dickson City
Crime watch: Dickson City Crime Watch meeting Tuesday, 7 p.m., ambulance building on Eagle Lane; "Journey Down CW Memory Lane."
Work session: Dunmore School Board, public work session, today, 6 p.m., board room.
Meeting: Dunmore School Board, meeting Wednesday, 6 p.m., high school cafeteria.
Haunted house: Dunmore Catholic Youth Group Haunted House, benefits Catholic Social Services of Scranton Diocese, Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rectory, 322 Chestnut St.; donation, $3.
Lackawanna County
Sock collection: Voluntary Action Center's Volunteer Center and RSVP "Make a Difference Day" sock collection project through Oct. 31, donated new socks any size, color or style, will be distributed to human service agencies and shelters throughout Lackawanna County; 347-5616 or volunteer@
Genealogical society: Genealogical Research Society Family History Month celebration, Wednesday, 7 p.m., ethnic covered dish and presentation of "The History of Green Ridge" by Margo Azzarelli's family, center, 1100 Main St., Peckville'; or 383-7661.
Junior Achievement: Junior Achievement of Northeastern Pennsylvania Inc. sixth annual Taste of Success gourmet fundraiser, Thursday, 5:30-8:30 p.m., JA Mericle Family Center for Enterprise Education, 1122 Oak St., Pittston Twp., food and wine festival with local restaurants and wineries showcasing their specialties, $25; or 602-3600.
Coat collection: Elm Park United Methodist Church accepting gently used coats, scarves and gloves for children, men and women, Linden Street and Jefferson Avenue, special need for men's and children's coats; giveaway, Thursday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., or until supplies are gone.
Church supper: Thompson United Methodist Church, roast beef supper, Oct. 27, 5 p.m.
Valley View School District
Cabaret: Valley View High School Chorus Cabaret, Thursday-Friday, 7 p.m., high school auditorium; $8/adults, $5/children 12 and under; benefits senior high chorus trip to New York City to see a Broadway musical; tickets from chorus members or at door.
West Scranton
Zombie run: West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch inaugural 5k run-walk (WS Zombie Escape Route), Saturday, 9 a.m., Allen's Park, North Main Avenue and Price Street; $30/individual; $20/each team of 10 or more; free/7 and under with parent or guardian; strollers allowed; Zombie costumes:, or zombieescaperoute.word
Society meeting: St. Lucy Altar & Rosary meeting Wednesday, 7 p.m., church auditorium; holiday events discussion.
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