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Funeral Notices 4/2/2013


CLARKE, MONSIGNOR JAMES T., pastor emeritus of St. Ignatius Church, Kingston, viewing, today, 4 to 7 p.m., Villa St. Joseph, 1600 Green Ridge St., Dunmore. Vigil Mass, chapel at Villa St. Joseph, 7, by the Most Rev. James C. Timlin, D.D., bishop emeritus of Scranton. Pontifical Mass, Wednesday, 10 a.m., Cathedral of St. Peter, Scran­ton, by the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., bishop of Scran­ton. Additional viewing, Wednes­day, 9 to 10. Interment, Cath­edral Cemetery, Scranton. Arrange­ments: Eugene A. Cusick Funeral Home, Scranton.

DEBIASI, IDENA "DENA," Duryea, today, Bernard J. Piontek Funeral Home Inc., 204 Main St., Duryea. Mass, 9:30 a.m., Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Duryea.

ERZIN, JOSEPH J., Westamp­ton, N.J., formerly of Whites Cros­sing, today, Joseph W. Scotchlas Funeral Home Inc., 621 Main St., Simpson. Mass, 9:30 a.m., St. Michael's Church, 46 Midland St., Simpson. Interment with military honors, Holy Trinity Cemetery, Simpson. Condolen­ces: scotchlasfuneralhome.com.

FAHEY, DOLORES S., Dunmore, today, Carlucci-Golden-DeSantis Funeral Home Inc., 318 E. Drinker St., Dunmore. Mass, 9:30 a.m., St. Anthony of Padua Church, Smith Street, Dunmore. Interment, St. Catherine's Ceme­tery, Moscow. Contributions: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, 967 Griffin Pond Road, Clarks Sum­mit, PA 18411. Condolences: DunmoreFuneralHome.com.

GALLOWAY, CHARLES M., Peckville, private. Calling hours, 6 to 8 p.m., James M. Margotta Funeral Home, 1019 Main St., Peckville. Condolences: margott tafuneralhomes.com.

GRUSCAVAGE, TESS, Scranton, today, Solfanelli-Fiorillo Funeral Home Inc., 1030 N. Main Ave., Scranton. Mass, 9:30 a.m., Holy Rosary Church, 316 William St., Scranton. Interment, St. Stani­slaus Cemetery, Scranton. Con­dolences: solfanellifiorillofuneral home.com.

HIRSH, KURT H., Lake Ariel, today, 11 a.m., St. Paul's Luth­eran Church, 405 Church St., Hawley, by the Rev. Colleen E. Cox, pastor. Private cremation, Lake Region Crematory, Lake Ariel. Arrangements: Teeters' East Chapel, 505 Church St., Hawley. Memorials: World Wildlife Fund at www.worldwildlife.org. Condolences: teetersfuneralcha pel.com.

JANKAUSKAS, MARY, Carbon­dale, Monday, Carmine J. & Louis C. Parise Funeral Home & Crema­tion Services Inc., Carbondale. Mass, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Carbondale, by Monsig­nor David L. Tressler, pastor, and Deacon Carmine Mendicino. Pall­bearers: Edward, Chris and Justin Jankauskas; Gary and Kenny Crown; and Steve Giglia. Inter­ment, St. Anthony's Cemetery, Forest City.

KRAVITSKY, MICHAEL III, Dallas, today, 10 a.m., Wrob­lewski Funeral Home Inc., 1442 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. Divine Liturgy, 10:30, St. Mary's Protec­tion Byzantine Catholic Church, Kingston, by the Rev. Mykhaylo Prodanets, pastor. Interment, Den­ison Cemetery, Swoyersville. Contributions: Michael J. Fox Foun­­dation for Parkinson's Research, Grand Central Station, P.O. Box 4777, New York, NY 10163-4777; the Franklin Twp. Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Department, Orange Road, Dallas, PA 18612; or St. Mary's Protection Church, 321 Chestnut Ave., Kingston, PA 18704. Condo­lences: johnvmorrisfuneral homes.com.

MATTHEWS, FRANCES ANN, formerly of Hamlin, a resident of Lackawanna Health and Rehab Center, Blakely, today, Mass, 9:30, St. Thomas More Church, 105 Gravity Road, Lake Ariel. Go directly to church. Interment, St. John's Cemetery, Jessup. Arrange­ments: James Wilson Funeral Home, Lake Ariel. Condolences: jameswislonfuneralhome.com

MORRISSEY, SLOANE, Aston, Mass, today, 10 a.m., Maximilian Kolbe Church, 15 E. Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester. Inurn­ment, private. Arrangements: D'An­­jolell-Stigale Memorial Home, Aston. Calling hours, today, 9 to 9:45, church. Con­dolences: danjolell.com.

PELUCACCI, JOHN D. "BUTCH" JR., Covington Twp., today, 9:45 a.m., Brian Arthur Strauch Fune­ral Homes & Cremation Services, 3 First St., Spring Brook Twp. Mass, 10:30, St. Catherine of Siena Church, Church Street, Moscow, by the Rev. Robert Simon, pastor. Interment with military honors, St. Catherine's Cemetery, Moscow. Contribu­tions: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, 967 Griffin Pond Road, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 or St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Mem­phis, TN 38105. Condolences: strauchfuneralhomes.com.

SERINE, ANTHONY J., Dun­more, today, Mass, 10 a.m., Church of St. Gregory, 330 N. Abington Road, Clarks Green, by the Rev. John M. Lapera, pastor; Monisgnor John H. Louis, pastor emeritus; and Monsignor James J. McGarry, pastor, Our Lady of the Snows Church, Clarks Sum­mit. Interment, St. Michael's Cem­etery, Dunmore. Calling hours, today, 9 to 9:45, church. Contributions: Our Lady of Peace School Building Fund, 410 N. Abington Road, Clarks Green, PA 18411. Arrangements: Jennings-Calvey Funeral and Cremation Service Inc., 111 Colburn Ave., Clarks Summit. Condolences: jenningscalvey.com.

SHAGER, CLARENCE E. SR., Binghamton, N.Y., Mass, today, 10 a.m., St. Paul's Church, Bing­ham­ton. Burial, Wednesday, 11 a.m., Our Mother of Sorrows Cem­etery, Finch Hill. Arrange­ments: Thomas J. Shea Funeral Home Inc., Binghamton. Contribu­tions: Frank Lee Scholarship Fund, c/o Thomas Mancuso, 1216 Tonwin St., Archbald, PA 18403.

SKUMANICH, MARGARET "MAG­GIE," Jessup, today, 10:30 a.m., Louis M. Margotta Funeral Home, 511 Church St., Jessup. Divine Liturgy, 11, Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church, Jes­sup. Interment, Holy Ghost Ceme­tery, Jessup. Condolences: mar gottafuneralhomes.com.

SLEDZINSKI, KOSTECK, Ledge­dale, Mass, Wednesday, 10 a.m., St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's Church Road, Ledgedale. Go directly to church. Interment, St. Mary's Cemetery. Calling hours, today, 4 to 7 p.m., James Wilson Funeral Home, 143 Gravity Road, Lake Ariel. Contributions: Ledge­dale Volunteer Fire Company, c/o Tom Sawyer, 72 Sledzinski Road, Lake Ariel, PA 18436. Condolen­ces: jameswilsonfuneralhome.com.

ZEGLEN, LENORE THERESA, Hawley, Mass, April 13, 9:30 a.m., Queen of Peace Church, Hawley. Arrangements: Hessling Funeral Home Inc., 428 Main St., Honesdale. Condolences: www.hesslingfuneralhome.com.

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