Hibernians mark four decades
Four charter members were celebrated when the Ancient Order of Hibernians Monsignor William Farrell, Division 2, Lackawanna County, celebrated the 40th Anniversary of its founding.
Jerome Brennan, Judge James Munley, attorney Robert Munley and William Pryle were among the 10 Irish Catholics on hand Feb. 23, 1973, when the group conducted its first meeting. They were presented Irish walking sticks, AOH wristwatches, and proclamations during the celebration.
The anniversary celebration began with the Rev. John O'Bell celebrating Mass at St. Rose of Lima Church in Carbondale. On the dais for the dinner that followed in St. Rose Family Center were U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright, state Sen. John Blake, state Rep. Sid Michaels Kavulich, Lackawanna County Commissioner Patrick O'Malley, Jermyn Mayor Bruce Smallacombe, AOH State Director Joseph Hosie and AOH Lackawanna County President Gary Duncan.
Frank Burnett, Farrell Division vice president, served as master of ceremonies.
Gary was presented the Harry T. Cook Trinity Award from the late division member and president of the Trinity Club's wife and daughters. Gary received a blackthorn walking stick with the award for his outstanding dedication to the order.
Joe Hosie was named Hibernian of the Year. The Divisions Mission and Charities chairman and Past AOH Lackawanna County president, Joe is currently AOH state director, Scranton Diocese. He received a blackthorn walking stick, a Waterford celtic cross, and proclamations from Mr. O'Malley and Mr Smallacombe, which proclaimed Feb. 23, 2013, as Joe Hosie day in Lackawanna County and Jermyn.
It's 4-H week
Lackawanna County 4-H Teen Club members including Chloe Moore, Jenna O'Malley, Karli Phillips, Hannah Radkiewicz, Chris Sacco, Liliana Surplus and Corey Ware, participated in a celebration marking this week as Pennsylvania 4-H Week. 4-H, Karen A. Thomas of the Lackawanna County Penn State Extension reports, is a nonformal educational youth development program of the Cooperative Extension System. "The backbone of the 4-H program is screened volunteer leaders who teach youth life skills through projects, events and activities," Karen noted, adding, "4-H is open to all youth, ages 5-18 as of Jan. 1 of the current year."
High notes
Committee members including Denise Bright, Lori Decker, Marissa Jones, Lora Lynn, Maria Muchisky, Sharon Smith and Diane Troani are busy at work planning LaSalle Academy's annual basket bonanza and dinner. The "Viva Las Vegas" themed event for the Jessup school is scheduled Friday, April 12, at Fiorelli's in Peckville. Prizes include Four Disney Hopper passes, a Panasonic DSLR camera, and a Vintner Circle wine taste for 12, two terrace level tickets for the NASCAR Pocono 400 in June, vacation stays, American Girl dolls, dinner certificates, appliances, store certificates, and many other prizes.