Growing up, it was common for Jean Barnes to find a fresh-baked pie, a gift from a neighbor, on the kitchen table.
Now, she says, it's rare to know a neighbor's name.
As generations evolve, Ms. Barnes, 75, of Scranton, worries that seniors may have increased needs and inadequate assistance.
"If there was an organization that just made phone calls to check on them, I think that would be extremely helpful," she said.
As Ms. Barnes and other area seniors considered the years ahead, many remained positive in the face of questions about the future of Social Security, lack of independence and health problems. She attributed the hopeful outlook to growing up during tough times. Some of today's seniors were raised during the Great Depression.
"The next generation had it easier than us, so they have this expectation that they will receive what they need," she said.
As for her generation, they take what they have and try to make the best of it.
Things to do
Joan Ludwikowski, 66, and her sister Ruth Fritz, 62, both of Scranton, will take on their senior years together.
Though they support each other, the pair worries about some of the challenges that lie ahead, even simple things like transportation to the grocery store.
"I have daughters that live at home, but they're not always there," Ms. Ludwikowski said. "That's what usually happens, but sometimes they don't have the time."
She has relied on family for rides since she became disabled at 38. She hopes to see better transportation options in the future.
"I can't walk to the bus," she said.
In Carbondale, Joe Curcerello, 68, doesn't fret over transportation. He does wish there were more places to go, however.
"We need more business places," he said.
He attends the Carbondale Senior Center along with Marge Riley, 69, who was born and raised in the city. Sometimes she wishes the center had better meals, but she's appreciative for what it does have.
"I cook for myself," she said, listing roast beef as one of her specialties.
On days she attends the center, her meal prep at home is light. It's the only hot meal some of the seniors have each day.
Ms. Ludwikowski and Ms. Fritz attend the South Side Senior Center in Scranton, where they are regulars at the craft table. They were relieved to learn the hours of their center would not be cut.
"A lot of programs have been cut by the state lately," Ms. Ludwikowski said. "We are very fortunate. We could have been one of them." At 66, Ms. Ludwikowski qualifies for Medicare and her sister will in a few years. Both have considered obtaining supplemental insurance for two years, but the self-professed procrastinators have not completed the process yet.
"What happens with the insurance I have now?" Ms. Fritz asked. She finds the process confusing.
It can also be frustrating, her sister said. She makes $43 too much to qualify for help, so she pays more on Medicare premiums.
Relying on others
The sisters also worry about finding reliable help when grass needs to be cut or walkways need to be shoveled. Both women have hired handy workers for lawn care or other services, paid the charge and not seen a blade of grass trimmed.
"What am I going to do?" Ms. Fritz said.
Though they haven't started making plans, the sisters agreed that they would need to start thinking ahead, something Ms. Barnes, has already started to do.
"I need to prepare my own self so that my surroundings would be comfortable and convenient," she said.
She has moved items that could cause a fall and made sure her home was ready for her upcoming years. She also appreciates that her youngest son lives 10 miles away and calls her every night to check in.
"I think that's important - that you have that contact and they're checking on you," she said.
Contact the writer:, @rbrownTT on Twitter