The Department of Community and Economic Development officials will descend on Northeast Pennsylvania next week for DCED on the Road.
For three days, DCED Secretary C. Alan Walker and as many as 40 staff members will make 47 scheduled stops in seven counties at locations as diverse as Fluff's Deli & Sandwich Shop in Hawley to the Neiman Marcus distribution center in Pittston. Some of the visits have a practical purpose - visiting sites of state-funded projects or having listening sessions with business leaders and government officials.
Some of the stops will be ceremonial, including award ceremonies, check presentations and ribbon-cuttings.
The DCED on the Road program is funded by the Team Pennsylvania Foundation, a nonpartisan group that seeks to improve communication between government and the private sector. Team PA takes the lead on several key events during the three days, including a question-and-answer session with business leaders and announcing local nominees for the Governor's Impact Awards.
"Many businesses don't interact with state economic officials, and we want them to have an opportunity," said Matt Zieger, Team PA president. "We want them to know that if they need capital, are interested in exporting, or have another issue, that they have a world-class team available to help them."
Here are some highlights of DCED's visit:
- Visit PA unveiling, Skytop Lodge, Monday, 11:30 a.m. The new 2013 Travel Guide and marketing campaign, including a revamped website, to promote the state as a tourism destination will be shared with the public.
- Local public official town hall, Monday, 6 to 7:30 p.m.. Jefferson Twp. Fire company. DCED officials will meet with local elected officials for an update on DCED activities.
- Governor's Impact Awards presentation, Tuesday, noon to 2 p.m., The Commonwealth Medical College. The event will include the announcement of 25 local nominees in five categories. The statewide winners will be announced in Hershey in May.
- Northeast Industry Leaders event, Tuesday 2 to 4 p.m. The Commonwealth Medical College. The DCED team will have a presentation and take questions from the audience.
Other site visits include: the Hawley Silk Mill restoration; Promise Land State Park wind turbines; Downtown Hawley facade improvement; Pocono Raceway economic impact and solar array; West Pittston Flood Recovery; and United Neighborhood Centers Elm Street Project in Scranton.
This is the second DCED on the Road program, following one in Northwest Pennsylvania in September. DCED spokesman Steve Kratz said with tightened budgets, the financial support of Team PA allows the agency to spend more time on the ground and face to face with citizens and business leaders.
"This is not a job that can be done from the seat in Harrisburg," he said. "We can see firsthand what is happening throughout the state and listen."
Austin Burke, president of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, said the DCED on the Road visit is more than a photo opportunity and a chance to shake hands. He's said it is an essential part of the secretary's job. The agency can see how state money is being spent on economic development and how to improve programs. The secretary also gets the chance to take the pulse of the local economy.
"This is a big shot of communication," Mr. Burke said, who served as interim DCED secretary. "People will learn about new programs and new opportunities. Then it goes both ways. We tell the secretary what our priorities are."
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