DUNMORE - While no official action has been taken to sell the Scranton Sewer Authority, Dunmore Borough Council members made it clear Monday they oppose the idea, asking their solicitor to research legal opposition to the effort.
"It's an asset that our town cannot afford to lose," said Sal Verrastro, council president. "We need to protect our taxpayers who are the ratepayers."
Council members asked borough solicitor Tom Cummings to look into the borough's options in opposing the sale.
The authority includes a five-member board of directors and serves Scranton and Dunmore.
While a discussion about the sewer authority did not appear on the meeting's agenda, Mr. Verrastro said he wanted to discuss the matter publicly.
Earlier this month, the SSA issued public notices seeking information from firms that propose conducting a "market valuation" of the authority.
A valuation of the entity is considered a first step necessary toward potentially selling it.
The SSA board includes a member from Dunmore, granting a 20 percent share of voting power.
Cash-strapped Scranton has borrowed millions of dollars in recent years to pay day-to-day expenses.
If sold, the sewer authority would likely lead to a cash infusion for Dunmore and Scranton.
However, an official with the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association has warned that selling the authority removes local control of sewers and eliminates a municipal asset.
Dunmore council Vice President Mike McHale, who is an accountant, said discussions to sell the SSA seem misguided.
"To sell off an asset to pay a current payable doesn't make sense," he said. "I hope they reconsider this, because this is not the way to go."
Contact the writer: rward@timesshamrock.com, @rwardTT on Twitter