Abington Heights
Parent training: Abington Heights Special Education Department spring parent training series, Wednesday, Motivation for Change: Token Economy System, 6 p.m., administration building, 200 E. Grove St., second floor board room; other sessions March 27, April 24, May 29 and June 12; 585-8278.
Clifford Twp.
Committee meeting: Advisory Committee of Clifford Twp. meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m., community center, to discuss development of comprehensive plan.
Seniors meet: Dunmore 50-Plus Club meeting, March 5, 6 p.m., Giovanni's.
Lackawanna Trail School District
School play: Lackawanna Trail production of "Little Shop of Horrors," Thursday-March 2, 7:30 p.m., $8/adults and $6/students and seniors; chicken and biscuit dinner, March 2, 4:30-7 p.m., meal only/$8; dinner and show/$15, Katie Lane, 945-5181, ext. 2207.
Book sale: Book sale: Valley Community Library winter book sale Tuesday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., library, 739 River St., Peckville; 489-1765.
Old Forge
Reunion meeting: Old Forge High School class of 1973 reunion meeting, Tuesday, 7 p.m., Arcaro & Genell's, to discuss 40-year reunion, bring returned postcards.
Ski day: Rail-Trail Council cross-country ski Sunday, 11 a.m., D&H Rail-Trail, Union Dale; 679-9300.
Retirees meet: Scranton Sears Retiree Club luncheon meeting, March 13, 11 a.m., Six East Restaurant, Business Route 6.
Railway meeting: Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railway Historical Society meeting, March 14, 7:30 p.m., meeting room, Iron Skillet Restaurant, Avoca; "The Amtrak Acela" program by Gary Pancavage, Amtrak official from Philadelphia, free.
Program rescheduled: The Civil War in Pennsylvania Photographic History Book program and book signing rescheduled to April 7, 2 p.m., the Anthracite Heritage Museum; originally scheduled for Sunday.
Sterling Twp.
Historians meet: Historians of Sterling Twp. meeting, Saturday, 7 p.m., hall and museum, 709 Spring Hill Road; light refreshments follow.
Pasta dinner: United Baptist Church pasta dinner, March 2, 5-8 p.m., 125 Church St.; takeouts, 3-4 p.m.; $9/adults, $5/children; Marie, 562-2856; Carol, 457-6079.
Church dinner: St. George's Orthodox Church pre-Lenten dinner, Sunday, noon-3 p.m., 743 S. Keyser Ave.; $10, takeouts available.
MS information: Senior project informational table on Multiple Sclerosis issues and advocacy, Saturday, 10 a.m., Walmart/Tunkhannock Supercenter Store, 808 Hunter Highway; donations benefit Multiple Sclerosis Foundation; details, Desiree:
West Scranton
Business meeting: West Scranton Business Watch meeting, Monday, 7 p.m., Victor Alfieri Society upper meeting room, 206 N. Main Ave., update on status of Elm Street designation for West Side, info@hydepark or 878-7368.
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