Tuesday: OSHA Focus Four Training from 8 a.m. to noon, at the chamber office, 20 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Cost is $79 per person, $69 each additional person from the same company or if you have attended OSHA training in 2013. Reservations are required by contacting Leann, 455-1509 or lfallabel@ hazletonchamber.org.
Wednesday: Pennsylvania Pesticide Certification Examination, Penn State Extension in Wayne County, 9 a.m. to noon at 648 Park, Honesdale. For exam fees, categories and study materials, visit the Pesticide Education Program at pested.psu.edu/applicators/certification. To register, contact the Penn State Extension office in Wayne County at 253-5970, ext. 4110, or WayneExt@psu.edu.
Thursday: Hazleton Chapter of POWER! social event from 5 to 7 p.m. at Dragonfly Café, 9 E. Broad St., Hazleton. Find out what the group is all about and what kind of plans are under way for 2013. Event is business casual, BYOB and $10 at the door, which includes light fare. To RSVP, visit the Hazleton POWER! Facebook page and join the event or at hazletoncham ber.org.
Friday: Live webinar from the EPA will cover the Commercial Building Energy Star Rating Program hosted by Benco Dental, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Centerpoint Commerce and Trade Park, Pittston. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. To register, contact Jan Russell at the Greenspring Institute at 215-703-8573 or Barry Hendrickson at Benco Dental at 602-6835.
Feb. 26: Federal Employment Seminar for Veterans hosted by Wayne County Job Training in cooperation with Army Community Service and Tobyhanna Army Depot, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Wayne/Pike Technology Training Lab, Suite 212, Historic Hawley Silk Mill, 8 Silk Mill Drive, Hawley. The free program will be presented by Nicole Nelson, Army community service program manager with Tobyhanna Army Depot. Eligible attendees are: active-duty military, National Guard, reservists, military retirees, military spouse or child, military veterans, and department of defense federal employees. RSVP by Friday, by contacting Cheryl Duquette, workforce coordinator, Workforce Wayne/Northeast Innovation Alliance, at 253-5334 or cduquette@ workforcewayne.org
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