Power line firm to fix road damage
RANSOM TWP. - Contractors put to rest supervisors' concerns Monday, as they agreed to fund repairs to township roads affected by a project to bring a high-voltage power line to the area.
At an informational meeting at the Township Building, representatives from T&D Power - the company installing the power line - told supervisors they will take responsibility for any road damaged in construction.
The 25-minute meeting was prompted by Supervisor David Bird's concern over the condition of several township roads, including Skyline Drive - where contractors are building access roads and installing pole foundations.
Started in October, the roughly two-year Susquehanna-Roseland project calls for a power line that stretches to New Jersey, according to Tim Warren of T&D Power.
"I called them last week because of the road conditions and asked if we could meet," Mr. Bird said. "I think we made good progress tonight.
"Any damage done from them, they are going to come back and repair."
Construction will snake through Newton and South Abington townships and portions of Scranton, Dickson City and Blakely.
It requires the use of "heavy equipment and trucks," which pose a threat to the township's "little" roads, Mr. Warren said.
"We are going to have trucks coming in and out, and it is going to cause damage to the roads," he said. "We are going to fix it."
Contact the writer: miorfino@timesshamrock.com, @miorfinoTT on Twitter