School security upgrades,
new-door bids approved
Scranton schools will be getting a safety upgrade.
Directors on Monday night approved upgrades to security systems at Scranton High and Northeast Intermediate schools, as well as starting the bid process for door replacements at district schools.
Board members also approved applying for a federal grant with the city of Scranton that would fund salaries for two additional school resource officers.
In other business from Monday night's meeting:
- The cost for the West Scranton Intermediate School gymnasium floor project will now be at least $163,437 more, with directors voting to install a hardwood floor instead of a synthetic floor. The project, now at more than $1.1 million, includes major underground work for stabilization.
With concerns over the size of the gym at the adjacent West Scranton High School, directors briefly discussed expanding the intermediate school's gym or building a pole barn on the softball field behind the high school and putting a gym in it. An in-depth discussion and decision need to happen soon, board President Sean O'Shea said.
- The NEPA Miners will once again be playing at Memorial Stadium. The district had sought to increase the rent for the semi-professional football team from $1,800 to $2,500 per game, but after hearing about the team's community involvement, directors agreed to keep the rent at $1,800.
- The first day of a new traffic pattern at Isaac Tripp Elementary School went well, officials said. After parents and community members complained about pick-up and drop-off procedures at the school, buses are now exiting using the school's access road.
- Superintendent William King said he met with officials from Lackawanna County and the city of Scranton last month to discuss the possibility of forming a health care consortium. No commitments were made, but a discussion was started, he said.
- The board approved a "consent agenda" format for future meetings. Routine items such as bills and delinquent tax reports will be grouped together, allowing for a faster meeting flow. Directors and the public will still be able to ask questions, and an item can be voted on separately if necessary. Directors Bob Sheridan and Bob Lesh voted against it, citing concerns over a lack of transparency.
- Directors voted 5-4 to support legislation that would let boards publish meeting notices on district websites instead of being required to publish in newspapers, such as The Times-Tribune. Mr. Lesh said he had concerns about people without computers being able to learn about meetings. Mr. Lesh, Mr. Sheridan, Lyn Ruane and Armand Martinelli voted against supporting the legislation.
- Directors approved participation in a $500,000 federal School-Based Health Center Capital Program grant, which was awarded to the Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. Medical rooms at Northeast, South Scranton and West Scranton intermediate schools will be renovated.
- Attorney William Warren was hired as special counsel for the Lincoln-Jackson alternative school project, at a cost not to exceed $20,000.
- Terri Anuszewski was appointed as confidential secretary for the superintendent, effective in June, with a salary of $42,746. She will replace Maureen Lavelle, who will retire in May after 26 years in the district. The resignation of Lee Carr, special education supervisor, also was approved.
- Hess Gas was approved as the district's natural gas supplier. The 22-month agreement saves the district $30,000, said Jeff Brazil, director of facilities and grounds.
Contact the writer:, @hofiushallTT on Twitter