JESSUP - Though comedian Adam Lucidi is a veteran of the underground New York City comedy circuit, shows in small towns hold a certain charm for him.
The people are real; they are not taking it for granted, the 26-year-old comedian said.
"This is their night out," Mr. Lucidi said.
Nearly 100 people packed the small barroom at the sold-out Caverna, 602 Church St. Saturday to watch three comedians, "Father" Paul Dudrich, Mr. Lucidi and Chris Dubail, perform.
Restaurant owner Nick Marino said this is the second comedy show the location has hosted. An October show also sold out fast. Given the success of the two events, more are in the works for April, he said.
"People want to see comedy," Mr. Marino said. "It seems like they would rather pay to see a comedy show than see a band. People want to laugh."
Jessup resident Ron Wassil, 55, said he attended the first show and enjoyed it immensely. A while back, when he saw that Caverna was having another comedy night, he immediately called his friends and told them to save the date.
"I told them 'Comedy show at the Caverna. Let's go,' " Mr. Wassil said over a beer with those friends. "It's not that hard to convince people to have a good time."
Though Mr. Dudrich was dressed like a priest, he insists that it is just an act. As the master of ceremonies for the event, he said he was happy to perform for the crowd Saturday with the two other comedians.
"They are not only stand-up comedians, they are stand-up guys," Mr. Dudrich said.
Contact the writer:, @jkohutTT on Twitter