Dickson City VFW meets today
Dickson City VFW Post 5937 meeting, today, 3 p.m., American Legion Post 665, 901 Main St.
VFW District 10 meets today
VFW District 10, meeting, today, 2 p.m., Dunmore Post 3474; steering committee, 1:30.
DAV District 1 to meet today
District 1, Disabled American Veterans meeting, today, 2 p.m., DAV Chapter 11 home, 516 Storrs St., Dickson City.
DAV Chapter 1 to meet Monday
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 1 meeting, Monday, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 908, 625 Deacon St., Scranton.
Dinner-dance set at VFW Post 4909
Dupont VFW Post 4909 Home Association's Valentine's Day dinner-dance, Feb. 9, post, 401 Main St.; bar open, 7:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., dinner, 7:30-8:45; Frank and Judy playing, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., door prizes; $28; reservations, Bob Lopata at the post or 654-9104 before Feb. 8.
Sons of Legion breakfast Jan. 27
Sons of American Legion Post 357, Hallstead, all-you-can-eat breakfast, Sunday, 8-11 a.m.
Post 4909 to elect VP on Jan. 27
Dupont VFW Post 4909 Home Association election for vice president, Sunday, 2-4 p.m., recreation room; candidates: Gerard Gurnari (incumbent) and Edward Zielinski Sr.
VFW Post 4909 to meet Feb. 4
Dupont VFW Post 4909 meeting, Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m., post home; home association meeting follows.
Arts competition seeking entries
Seeking entries from veterans receiving care at VA medical facilities, VA outpatient clinics or who reside in a state veterans home for the fifth annual Local Creative Arts Competition, March 7, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 1111 East End Blvd., Plains Twp.; completed applications and visual art entries due Feb. 22 by 4 p.m.
VFW Post 5937 offers scholarship
Dickson City VFW Post 5937, $1,000 scholarship for Mid Valley Secondary Center, senior, son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter of a military veteran or sibling of a post member, pursuing educational program in business, computer technology, nursing or trades; deadline, May 1; contact guidance counselor or Rich Capwell, 489-1222.
Legion Post 665 offers scholarship
Dickson City American Legion Post 665, $1,000 scholarship for Mid Valley Secondary Center, senior, son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter of a military veteran or sibling of a post member, pursuing educational program in business, computer technology, nursing or trades; deadline, May 1; contact guidance counselor or post, 489-4303.
Events this week at Merli Center:
- Today: Coffee, 9 a.m.; pinochle game, 9-10; Eucharistic ministers, all floors, 9:15; Terry Rockwell musical program, 2 p.m.
- Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Coffee, 9 a.m.; bulls-eye target toss, 9:30; Penn State Worthington Campus visit, 1:15-3 p.m.; bingo in memory of Philip Giambra by Frank and Toni Grasso, 2; happy hour, 3:30.
- Tuesday: Coffee, 9 a.m.; pinochle game, 9-10; football toss, 9:30; choir practice, 1:45 p.m.; Catholic Mass, 3.
- Wednesday: Coffee, 9 a.m.; pinochle game, 9-10; big wheel, 9:30; resident welfare fund, 1 p.m.; Military Order of the Purple Heart Ladies Auxiliary bingo, 2; unit activities, 6:30.
- Thursday: Coffee, 9 a.m.; pinochle game, 9-10; blackjack, 9:30; Giovanni's dine-in, 12:15 p.m.; Price is Right by the Military Medicine Interest Group at TCMC, 2.
- Friday: Coffee, 9 a.m.; pinochle game, 9-10; bowling, 9:30; birthday bingo by the Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary, 2 p.m.
- Saturday: Coffee and doughnuts by the Stone family, 10 a.m.; football game and pizza, 2 p.m.
VETERANS NEWS should be submitted no later than the Monday before requested publication to veterans@times shamrock.com; or to YES!desk, The Times-Tribune, 149 Penn Ave., Scranton, PA 18503.