Need a hand?
n Fourth annual Community Christmas Day Breakfast, a gift to the community from the University of Scranton, Tuesday, Dec. 25, 8-11 a.m., third floor, DeNaples Center, 900 Mulberry St.; free; reservations not necessary; 941-7401.
n Endless Mountains Health Systems' 12th annual free community Christmas dinner, Tuesday, Dec. 25, noon, Montrose Square Community Room.
n 18th annual Bob Bolus Sr. Christmas Dinner, buffet style turkey dinner with all the fixings. Christmas Day, noon to 6 p.m., St. Lucy's Auditorium, 949 10th St., Scranton; reservations not necessary, for assistance call 346-7659.
Lend a hand
n Christmas Holiday Bureau donations for program that distributes Wal-Mart gift cards to families with children residing in Lackawanna County who meet eligibility requirements; can be mailed or dropped off at the Christmas Holiday Bureau, 4th Floor, 538 Spruce St., Scranton, PA 18503.
n Wayne County Children's Christmas Bureau donations: checks payable to the WCCCB, c/o Honesdale Area Jaycees, 200 Delaware St., Honesdale, PA 18431.
n Operation Friendship coordinated through the Visitation Program of Serving Seniors Inc.; volunteer individuals, student groups, Scout troops, church and civic groups bring holiday cheer and greetings to residents of nursing and assisted living/personal care homes in Lackawanna County who may not receive a Christmas card; to volunteer, contact Lisa M. Torch, 344-3931, Serving Seniors Inc., Scranton Life Building, 538 Spruce St., Suite 408, Scranton.
n The Catherine McAuley Center Adopt A Family Program provides food, clothing, toys and other gifts to families; to adopt a family or make a donation, contact the Adopt a Family coordinator at the Catherine McAuley Center, 430 Pittston Ave., Scranton, PA, weekdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 342-1342.
n 18th annual Bob Bolus Sr. Christmas Dinner needs volunteers to assist at buffet style turkey dinner with all the fixings. Christmas Day, noon to 6 p.m., St. Lucy's Auditorium, 949 10th St., Scranton; 346-7659.
SEND ITEMS for publication to with "Holiday helpers" in the subject line by the Monday previous to desired publication date. For details, call the YES!Desk at 348-9121.