1. In what has become a Christmas tradition, Scranton police raised more than $2,000 for ...
A. repainting and deep cleaning of patrol cars.
B. toys and clothes for 83 needy kids.
C. Griffin Pond Animal Shelter.
D. decorations at the police department's headquarters.
2. What did Senior U.S. District Judge William J. Nealon celebrate Saturday?
A. Having the federal building in Scranton renamed in his honor.
B. His 89th birthday.
C. His 50th year as a federal judge.
D. His 20th grandchild.
3. Why will a Beach Lake woman spend 3½ to seven years in state prison?
A. She stabbed her husband in the back.
B. She stole packages from a neighbor's porch.
C. She was yelling curse words at her broken toilet.
D. She crashed her car and left the scene.
4. On Thursday, Scranton City Council opted to ...
A. erase the planned tax hike for 2013.
B. replace Mayor Chris Doherty with a sock puppet.
C. give back $1,000 to each Scranton taxpayer.
D. raise the tax hike from 12 percent to 22 percent.
5. According to the state Department of Health, how many confirmed cases of flu have there been in the state this season?
A. 834.
B. More than 1,000.
C. 52.
D. Fewer than 10.
6. How many flu cases were found in Lackawanna County?
A. 52.
B. More than 100.
C. 11.
D. Four or fewer.
7. The Old Forge Education Association gave notice last week it will ...
A. forgo raises to help the district balance its budget.
B. strike beginning Dec. 20.
C. buy Christmas gifts for 100 needy children.
D. accept the district's latest contract proposal.
8. Why were Scranton officials in court this week?
A. They are being sued by taxpayers.
B. They are being sued by Scranton Parking Authority.
C. They were making their case for instituting 1 percent commuter tax.
D. The mayor had filed for a protection-from-abuse order against the council president.
9. Last week, students at George Bancroft Elementary School spent time with ...
A. Santa Claus.
B. McGruff the Crime Dog.
C. A poet from Lancaster, Pa.
D. President Barack Obama.
10. For the first time in more than 20 years, Taylor residents will ...
A. not have to pay for garbage services.
B. be allowed to park on the street overnight.
C. Both A and B.
D. pay property tax.
Answers: 1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D; 5.A; 6.D; 7.B; 8.C; 9.C; 10.D